
Years ago, I read Jon Ronson's book "Them" in which he tags along with various extremists and conspiracy nuts and tries to get to just what the heck it is that makes them tick. OK, so you write-off the White Supremacists, and David Eyck who thinks that QE2 is a alien lizard in a flesh suit (literally). There's a very frightening chapter about the shootings at Ruby Ridge too.
And then there's the chapter about trying to figure out just what the people who attend the annual Bilderberg Group meeting are up to. Bilderbergers are comprised of top governmental and NGO leaders, royalty, and corporate giants. They meet in total secrecy, lock down miles of turf to preserve that secrecy, and not one of the attendees has broken ranks and spilled their guts. No-one knows just what they're up to and anyone asked denies attending or that the meeting occurred.
This year, the Guardian sent Charlie Skelton to Greece to see if he could get to the bottom of it. He's done a blog here and the poor man is slowly losing his mind as a result.
CLICK! here to follow his blog.
Labels: "Them", Bilderberg, Charlie Skelton, conspiracy, Jon Ronson
Spend a moment reading the readers comments too. There are more than one of us that think that something's up here.
Thanks for posting this stuff. Interesting stuff, if in the end unconvincing. My own view has always been that the ruling elite doesn't need to conspire to give the rest of the shaft - the economic system is set up to do that quite openly. Whenever I hear reporters such as Skelton here protesting the idea that these robber barons are meeting to plan the world's business, I think, "well, isn't that what the G20 does?" I would imagine that if you take a camera crew within a few hundred feet of those meetings, you're going to be face down on the pavement with all due speed too.
It's not just the Brits who are consumed by this kind of conspiratorial rot. There's a fellow called Alex Jones who trades in the same kind of material in this country. The recent "teabagger" protests were absolutely "infused" with the stuff. The intriguing thing is that you really didn't hear that much conspiratorial anti-government during the Bush years, despite the PATRIOT Act, illegal wiretapping, torture camps and so on. But elect a black guy, and all these people come out of the wordwork.
A libertarian student recently sent me a new film by Alex Jones called "The Obama Deception." It starts with the boilerplate "Obama is a socialist/fascist" material you get on Fox News any day of the week these days. But if you can stomach that, about half an hour in all the Bilderberg/Illuminati/Freemason nonsense comes popping out. Take a look by cutting and pasting the following:
And here's Alex Jones's InfoWars website:
I take your point that the G20 does work to bring about Global Control and does so without democratic input. But unlike Bilderberg, they do so in the open. These guys deny that they're meeting despite the occasional photograph of them at the meeting. They likewise deny the existence of any group when clearly, they meet once a year, in secret. This insistence that there's nothing to this is different to the rewriting of the factual record that the Bush Administration got up to. Something's up, it's undeniable, so what the hell is it?
Yeah, that's a fair point and I've never gotten that at all. What could Kissinger, Tony Blair and Boutros Boutros-Ghali be up to that they wouldn't want the public to know about? Ritual animal sacrifice?
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