80's Trivia - Spinal Tap Edition!

Here's a long-awaited tribute to the LOB's favorite faux rockumentary. See how many of these quotes you can complete (bonus points if you can name the character/actor who uttered the immortal words).
1. “We’ve got _____________ in our trousers. It’s really quite frightening.”
2. “Certainly, in the topsy-turvy world of heavy rock, having a _________ in your hand is often useful.”
3. “(St Hubbins?) He was the patron saint of ______________.”
4. “Do me a favor. Just ____________, okay?”
5. “I think that the problem may have been, that there was a Stonehenge
monument on the stage that was in danger of being ___________.
6. “Dozens of people ____________ each year. It's just not really widely
7. “It's like, how much more black could this be? And the answer is __________.”
8. “The review for ‘Shark Sandwich’ was merely a two-word review, which simply read ‘_______________.’”
9. “Big bottom, big bottom / Talk about ___________, my girl's got 'em!”
10. “You put a ________________________ and a leash, and a man's arm extended out up to here, holding onto the leash, and pushing a black glove in her face to sniff it. You don't find that offensive?”
11. “You can go have a bite and ________________.”
12. “Do you know what I do? I find lost luggage. I locate _______________ in the middle of Austin!”
13. “You're a haughty one, _________________.”
14. “He died in a bizarre _____________________ accident...”
15. Marty DiBergi: “Why don't you just make ten louder and make ten be the top number and make that a little louder?”
Nigel Tufnel: [pause] “__________________.”
16. Marty DiBergi: “What do you call this?”
Nigel Tufnel: Well, this piece is called "___________________".
Best of luck!
WIthout one piece of cheating
#1 armadillos
#2 cricket bat?
#3 Quality Footwear
#5 crushed
#6 explode
#7 None, none more black
#8 Shit Sandwich
#9 mudflaps
#10 Woman?
#11 you'll still be hearing that one
I have to go to work
More later
Well in, Dave. You've proven yourself a true fan of the Tap.
Spot on with #s 1,3, 7, 8, 9 and 11.
You're very close on #2 - the actual quote from the band manager Ian Faith (Tony Hendra) is "having a good, solid piece of wood in your hand is often useful."
You're also very close on #4 - the full quote from David St. Hubbins (Michael McKean) is "...that there was a Stonehenge monument on the stage that in danger of being crushed by a dwarf."
You've got the sense of #6 too. The actual quote (in reference to former Tap drummer Peter "James" Bond) is "Dozens of people spontaneously combust each year."
#10 needs a bit more context. The label executive Bobbi Flekman (Fran Drescher) is trying to explain to the band why the label is objecting to the original cover idea for "Smell the Glove." I'll see if another Tap fan on the LOB can get the full quote.
Let's hear from the rest of you, eh?
#13 Saucy Jack
##15 This goes up to eleven
#16 Lick my Love Pump
#10 a naked women
Is David St Hubbins wearing a United shirt in your picture?
Yeah, that's why I chose the pic. Nice one, eh?
Full points for #13, 15 and 16. Still looking for more on #10.
A naked woman on all fours
Close enough - it's "A greased, naked woman, on all fours, with a dog collar around her neck...."
When asked if he doesn't think it's sexist, Nigel Tufnell responds, "What's wrong with being sexy?"
Well, so what? What's wrong with being sexy?
Nigel gives a face like he still hasn't a clue what was said!
Still looking for answers to #s 4, 12 and 14.
Let's be having you, Tap fans!
Right - the rest of you are useless. Let me clean this one up.
#4 was uttered by the legendary Paul Shaffer - the line is "Do me a favor - kick me in the ass!"
#12 is another Ian Faith quote:
"Do you know what I do? I find lost luggage. I locate mandolin strings in the middle of Austin!"
And #14 is another reference to another dead drummer:
"He died in a bizarre gardening accident."
Well played, UWS. The rest of you - pfffftttt....!
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