Social Studies Terms that Made My Students Giggle

A Jeopardy question tonight reminded me of the age-old issue for teachers of prompting inappropriate student hilarity. We've all been there. Math teachers brace every time a problems ends with the answer "69." Health teachers grit their teeth when they are forced to reference the "testes." And yes, we social studies teachers have an abundance of terms that provoke gales of laughter. My solution was always to laugh right along with them. Here are my Top 5 favorites in reverse order:
5. Shi'ites
4. The Wang Dynasty
3. The Dingle Peninsula
2. Djibouti
and of course the granddaddy...
1. Lake Titicaca
Any other offerings?
Intercourse, Blueball and Bird in Hand, Pennsylvania.
Well in, Someone. My personal favorite weird town name belongs to a suburb just south of Boston called Braintree.
Thanks for playing!
Of course, how about the town just outside of Newmarket
Six Mile Bottom!
Of course there are a million hilarious English town names, most of which were covered in the great Bill Bryson travelogue "Notes from a Small Island."
When we were kids I always loved seeing the names "Tooting Beck" and "Tooting Broadway" on the Tube maps, probably because fart references are always hilarious to young boys.
Karen reminded me of another classic that produced plenty of laughter in my classroom over the years -
The Grand Tetons.
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