Giggsy Caught Offside?

Your thoughts, Red Devilers?
We are all former students at Lakenheath High School and other public schools in East Anglia. We were in school in the 70s and 80s and drank deeply from the well of British culture of those decades - the pints, the telly, and of course the footie!
We refuse to talk about this subject until after next Saturday!
If you attempt to comment on this story I will have to take out a Superinjunction on you Dr. Dahlgren!!!
Blame you sister, mate!
It was actually Mike that first brought it up
He isn't happy with **** *****. He thinks he is a scum bag. He doesn't care what he does in his private life but the cover up is always worse crime itself!
Can I comment as well?? Its deb btw
Join us more Debs!
Sorry for my non comment before haha,just wanted to see if I could join in! Like Mike said to Dave,no one cares about his private life its all this business now. Just saw this pic on Twitter from The Scottish Sunday Herald
oh and its deb again haha
I'd feel a fraud joining in more though Dave,being as I'm not a LOB haha
I just saw this on the Daily Mail website.. it is farcical!
Keep the commenting Debs
Great link Debs
Thanks...I liked the link as well. I've told Mike to come take a look & join in btw
I hope he does
The rest of the footer this morning will be on the other thread
I'll send you a email invite to join the LOB, Debs. We could use a bit more of a feminine touch around the place now and again.
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