Lakenheath Old Boys

We are all former students at Lakenheath High School and other public schools in East Anglia. We were in school in the 70s and 80s and drank deeply from the well of British culture of those decades - the pints, the telly, and of course the footie!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Who Do You Side With?

With the 2016 Presidential campaign in full sway, it's high time that we start the political chin-wagging here at the LOB. Candidates are joining the race every day - Jeb Bush yesterday and The Donald today - so it can be a bit confusing picking among all of those candidates.

I came across a quite clever survey instrument on Facebook yesterday that I thought I would share here. Simply point your browser toward the following website and take the short survey:

At the end of the survey, they'll calculate who's ideas are closest to yours. I came up 97% in favor of Bernie Sanders. What say the rest of you?


Blogger manunitedrules said...

I was listed as a centrist that was 89% in favor of Bernie.

11:48 PM  
Blogger The Blue Devil said...

I'm noticing that trend among my Facebook friends, too. If everyone who liked Bernie but thought that didn't have a chance to win against Hillary actually voted for him, he might actually win!

12:01 PM  

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