Football Matters

I don't know why FSC hasn't figured out that this format of having real fans of MLS clubs in the audience for a chat show would work really well over here.
We are all former students at Lakenheath High School and other public schools in East Anglia. We were in school in the 70s and 80s and drank deeply from the well of British culture of those decades - the pints, the telly, and of course the footie!
I agree. The problem is that all of Fox's infrastructure is out in Cali, but 3/4's of their viewing base is not. If they could do a 30 minute Soccer AM style show for the MLS in the evenings before their featured match, with fans in the audience, that would deflect a lot of how lame their studio team is.
Agreed, Gooner. I thought about that. The show would have to originate from the LA studios and would of course lean toward West Coast teams. However, given that LA hosts two MLS teams and that San Jose and even Salt Lake City aren't a million miles away, you might still be able to pull something off. Any fans of other sides who happened to be vacationing in LA might well want to drop in on the show rather than lining up for Jay Leno. I know I would!
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