Lakenheath Old Boys

We are all former students at Lakenheath High School and other public schools in East Anglia. We were in school in the 70s and 80s and drank deeply from the well of British culture of those decades - the pints, the telly, and of course the footie!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

R.I.P. Paul the Octopus

A moment's silence please. Paul the Octopus died yesterday. Yes, the sagacious cephalopod has passed on. Paul is no more. He's expired and gone to meet his maker. He is a late octopus. A stiff, bereft of life, he rests in peace. He's scarfed down his final WC-nation coded sea urchin and is pushing up the daisies. He's rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. He is an ex-octopus.

You can read more here

and even more here

Cheerio Paul.


Blogger The Blue Devil said...

Thanks for the post, Gooner. The Python references actually did have me LOLing.

I'll be donning a black armband in Paul's honor today. Anyone up for a minute of applause round about 3pm?

2:10 PM  
Blogger gooner71 said...

Sure, I'm in for a cricket clap off the pitch for Pa..... hang on... hang on just a minute.

This just in. Did Paul simply die or was it...... MURDER?????

2:24 PM  
Blogger manunitedrules said...

It must have been a conspiracy. We can have a minute of applause to represent his minute of fame. How can we accurately predit the outcome of matches without Paul's witty assistance. Will football ever be the same again. LOL

3:00 PM  

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