Lakenheath Old Boys

We are all former students at Lakenheath High School and other public schools in East Anglia. We were in school in the 70s and 80s and drank deeply from the well of British culture of those decades - the pints, the telly, and of course the footie!

Friday, June 16, 2006

those f$%&@

No-one in the US will see these, but I have to tell you that Budweiser has a really offensive ad campaign. It centers around two American bozo annoucers making soccer ignorant observations.

a. one announcer says to the other, "what team impresses you here?" And the second bozo say, "oh, the netherlands because as I understand it, the whole country is under-water. that's gotta be a disadvantage."

b. one announcer says to the other, "you gotta say, these rookies are really putting on a show!" The second one says, "uh hal, i think those are the mascots."

c. one announcer is wearing a guardsman's uniform and bearskin. "Great costume Hal. where'd ya getit? "I saw this guy standing in a little house and asked him if i could borrow it. he kept quiet so i figured, ok?"

and they go on in that bone-headed vein. i'm the first to admit that yes, it's probably true that even if the us won the bloody final, the news would share the sports page with the golf tourney, the hockey playoff, and last night's baseball score. and true, most americans would not realize that we'd competed. but it's getting on my tits that anything american is european shorthand for willfull ignorance. and to see budweiser complicit in that impression is disappointing.


Blogger gatorbob said...

That is unfortunate. What I've discovered during this World Cup is that there is a huge fan base - much larger than what tends to turn out for MLS - for footie in the States. Some of them are living in the hinterlands like me. Some are arsed off about MLS - which by the way is still playing on during the WC! And some or Brits who are over here for work. But all of them are on-line in its many and various modes, blogging, tuning into podcasts, emailing, chatting away on radio shows and so on. If there were only a way to harness this energy. Unfortunately, I expect that a pasting by the Italians tomorrow will make it all the harder. Let's hope for at least a hard fought match.

I'll look forward to chatting with you all then. Cheerio.

7:31 PM  

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