Day 3 in Denver

Frank Rich wrote this weekend that it was the "last call for change we can believe in." After two nights of licking wounds and fighting old battles, it's high time for the Dems to land some punches on the Republicans. The best bet for that is on that old Senate pugilist Joe Biden to come out swinging. Let's hope so.
Barack Obama is now officially the Democratic nominee for President. It's a historic moment, only sullied by some overorchestration of the roll call vote by Nancy Pelosi and some inexplicable drama on the part of the California delegation.
Next up - Bubba!
It's Bubba time and I'm surprised that he's getting the warm reception that he is after all of the crap that he pulled during the primaries.
The sharpest speech of the convention so far and it's from Bill Clinton. Plenty of red meat there about Katrina, "cronyism" and torture. Good stuff and definitely needed.
Did they really just play "Dreamweaver" to introduce Biden's son?
The other night, Lauri thought the musical intro for Hillary was "Little Miss Can't be Wrong" . . It wasn't, but it gave me a chuckle . . . Enough fair play . . . let's see the Dems go after the plundering, blundering Republicans. . .
I agree Trev. One thing that Jon Stewart got right in his overly cynical take last night was that there's no way that the GOP will refer to Obama next week as a "fine and honorable American."
As expected, John McCain has successfully grabbed the news cycle today with his vice presidential pick. What wasn't expected was that it would be first term Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. A bold and risky choice for McCain. Any thoughts?
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