The Academy Awards Live!

The glitterati have started to show up on the red carpet. If you're watching, come on by and grumble along with me, won't you?
We are all former students at Lakenheath High School and other public schools in East Anglia. We were in school in the 70s and 80s and drank deeply from the well of British culture of those decades - the pints, the telly, and of course the footie!
Here are my predictions for tonight:
* Who I'd Like to See Win
- Who I Think Will Win
Best Supporting Actress:
* Marisa Tomei (The Wrestler)
- Amy Adams (Doubt)
Best Supporting Actor:
* Philip Seymour Hoffman (Doubt)
- Heath Ledger (Dark Knight)
Best Song:
* O Saya... (Slumdog Millionaire)
- Jai Ho (Slumdog)
Best Documentary:
* Man on Wire
- Encounters at the End of the World
Best Foreign Picture:
* The Class
- Waltz with Bashir
Best Actress:
* Anne Hathaway (Rachel Getting Married)
- Meryl Streep (Doubt)
Best Actor:
* Richard Jenkins (The Visitor)
- Mickey Rourke (The Wrestler)
Best Director:
*- Danny Boyle (Slumdog)
Best Picture:
* Slumdog Millionaire
- Benjamin Button
So what are your predictions?
Right then, the Baba Wawa special is mercifully over and the big show is coming up next.
Cool, it's Tim Gunn on the red carpet. Love him!
Kate Winslet's looking very Grace Kelly tonight. Wouldn't mind seeing her win for "The Reader." Anyone but Angelina Jolie for me in that category.
Who let Miley Cyrus into this show? Meh.
Hi Bivalve!
Yeah, Tim was grosser than usual with all the celebs around. It's interesting how glam the show is this year, what with, erm, the world economy falling apart. It strikes me that they're playing the role of the orchestra on the Titanic. The show must go on even if the ship is going down.
Okay here comes Wolverine. He's promised to give us "more show" and "less biz" tonight. It could get campy in here really quickly.
Hugh's doing his best Billy Crystal here with a bit more dancing than Billy used to do in his opening numbers.
Oh yeah - he was on Broadway with a tribute show to the Aussie hoofer Peter Allen.
So what are your predictions for tonight?
Nice one! I used to love "Sprockets." Touch my monkey!
Alright, here's the first award of the night. Best Supporting Actress. Go Marisa!
I hated Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Woody lost his mind years ago.
I love Tilda - she could show up in a string vest and jodhpurs for all I care.
Gag. I always hate when they act as if the award was thoroughly unexpected. Come on - you had a 20% shot!
Uh oh - a primer on scriptwriting. This sucker's gonna go long, I fear.
Woo hoo - go Mike Leigh. Love him.
Nice. "Milk" got at least one award. I wasn't my favorite this year but it definitely had its heart in the right place.
Best speech of the night, I suspect. Well done!
Slumdog wins its first of the night. Many more to come, I predict.
Animated movies. Bleh.
Art Direction. Meh.
One award for Benjamin Button. That's enough now, please.
The Dutchess wins for Costumes. Did anyone see that movie?
Makeup goes to Ben Button. Duh.
Very cool. Ben Stiller doing his best Joachim Phoenix impression.
Slumdog picks up award #2. So it's two each for the two big favorites for the night.
Jessica Biels has shown up wearing a curtain. WTF?
Okay, now it's time for the Shorts. How does anyone have a chance to see these films? Can you get them on Netflix or something?
Yuck - Beyonce.
How is the Jackman doing?
Okay, finally back to the big awards. It's ten o'clock and we've only had one biggie so far.
Hey Trev! Not bad, actually. It's kind of fun to have an old fashioned song and dance guy hosting for a change. I just think that Jon Stewart was too snarky for the role.
Why is Philip Seymour Hoffman wearing a skull cap? Bad hair day?
Why the woolie hat for Philip?
Why didn't Josh Brolin get nominated for "W?" His turn in "Milk" was much less risky.
Woolly skull cap . . .
This five man intro is weird.
Walken is reading more closely than a turn on SNL
Here it comes . . . Laken . .
I'll be shocked if this one doesn't go to Heath Ledger.
And I'm right - his family's coming up to receive it.
They've been doing the five-person thing all night. It is odd and it's taking a lot of time. This sucker will easily go past midnight.
The actors are all getting teary eyed . . . great training there!
OMG! Five for every category??? Or just the biggies?
Now, documentary film. I wish Bill Maher had got a nod for "Religulous."
I'm pulling for "Man on Wire."
Just for the biggies.
Nice. Here comes Bill...
I don't like Billy M.
Woo hoo - I finally picked one!
No? How come? Not funny to you.
Again, how does anyone see these doc shorts?
I need to see Man on Wire. I love that story.
It's all about Bill. Like Michael Moore. Now, love the politics of both, just know I'd hate to be in a room with them.
Visual Effects. Yawn.
Oh definitely. I'm sure they're both huge pricks. But I think you need a tremendous ego to do that kind of work. I'll stick to hanging out with teachers too.
Ben Button 3
Slumdog 2
Sound editing. My fav.
Sound editing now...
The Dark Knight picks up its second.
Good lord - it's 10:30 and we've still got Best Foreign Film, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Director and Best Picture to come. I'm going to be a wee bit sleepy in the office tomorrow morning.
Slumdog picks up its third award of the night.
Bombay? Is that PC?
GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!! SDM is up 4 to 3 . . . This is a CORKER of a Cup Final!
Should be Mumbai surely. Scorecard:
Slumdog 4
Ben Button 3
Dark Knight 2
Tight as a tick.
Is it too late to nominate "Saralicious" in the short film category?
Wow - Eddie Murphy. I can't remember the last time I saw one of his movies.
Definitely. A bravura performance.
You don't get out to the latest in the Shrek series?
The camera seems to keep catching Anne Hathaway in tears. Either she's been blubbering all night or she's extremely well trained.
Bong-hits during the breaks. It's probably the only way to stay sane through the banality.
Don't you miss Donald Sutherland in the balcony bitching about someone trying to smoke a crafty ciggie? One of my favorite moments from recent shows.
That is, no for Shrek 3 or whatever it was. Don't remember Sutherland's comments, honestly. Sounds like him, though.
You're kidding!! That was comedy gold sticking him up in the rafters and leaving his mike on so you could hear his litany of complaint.
Bring the crotchety old Canuck back!
Best score coming up. I reckon that A.R. Rahman's got this one sewn up. Best song too. Should be two more for Slumdog.
Was that last year. I'll have to see if I can dig it up on YouTube. Sounds a treat.
Eddie Murphy as Donkey. Some great thes-ping you're not privy to. It's on Netflix.
What is the point of Alicia Keys, btw?
Yep - it's Rahman's award. Bollywood's doing it up huge tonight. That's #5 for Slumdog.
Bit of eye candy? I'm okay with Alicia but what's with Zac Efron?
Best song now...I'm hoping that MIA gets a chance to big up the Tigers in her acceptance speech.
She's rocking the saucy bridesmaid thing. No point at all to Zac Efron as far as I can tell.
Springsteen got robbed on this category. Why not go with five nominees as usual?
Tell me that Eric's resisted that whole High School Musical twaddle, please.
Absolutely, after all how often are Hull City mentioned at the Academy Awards?
Well, he grew up watching all of those kids on Nickelodeon and TDC so he knew them well early.
Nice Bollywood/soul crossover bit there. I'm digging it. I don't listen to John Legend's stuff but somehow I just kind of like having him on the scene. He's not bad politically either.
Yep - I picked that one. Jai Ho was just such a lift at the end of that picture. Even though it was a bit of a sell-out it was just so much fun.
#6 for Slumdog.
Brilliant as the Forest Ranger in the Colbert Christmas special.
Academy choosing to dodge MIA's big-ups to Phil Brown, you think?
Right, I'm off to bed. This is worse than Monday Night Football for ending in time. Make those actors get in their tuxes and ready by noon FFS.
Yeah, I think so. Dodged the MIA bullet. Cheerio, mate! Sleep well.
Have you seen that Baader Meinhoff flick? It played at the Goethe Inst here but was sold out in hours.
Best foreign picture next...
Goes to the Japanese feature. I haven't seen it yet. I was stumping for the French film "The Class."
No, but it's on my Netflix list. Haven't seen any of them yet.
I'm off as well, lads. Chat with you soon.
I always love the tribute to those who passed on in the past year. Nice touch with Queen Latifah singing "I'll be Seeing You."
Sleep well, WHR!
Not much applause for Charlton Heston but a huge ovation for Paul Newman. Interesting.
We're picking up some steam now.
Best Director....
It's Danny Boyle's. That's the only one that I picked as the obvious winner and the one I wanted. It's #7 for Slumdog and it's starting to look like a sweep.
Best Actress now....
It's the five person routine again with Marion Cotillard, Nicole Kidman, Sophia Loren, Halle Berry and Shirley MacLaine. What Hillary Swank wasn't available?
Uh oh. Anne Hathaway's about to bust loose again. Ugh. I've changed my mind. Give it to Meryl. She's a professional.
Wow - I didn't expect that. Kate Winslet wins for "The Reader." She was terrific in it. Let's hope she does better tonight than at the Golden Globes. She's had plenty of practice now.
And straight on to Best Actor. The director of the program obviously told them to move it along.
And its Bobby DeNiro, Anthony Hopkins, Adrian Brody, Michael Douglas, and Sir Ben to do the honors. I hope that means that Daniel Day Lewis is away on a set somewhere making a film and not just cobbling shoes in Tuscany as usual.
Boy, I'd love to see Richard Jenkins win this one, but I can't see it.
Mickey's speech last night at the Independent Spirit Awards on IFC was brilliant. Can he follow that again tonight?
Wow - Sean Penn. Didn't expect that one. Thought it was Mickey's for sure. The only award for "Milk" so far tonight.
I wonder if that's a vote against Prop 8 from the California contingent of the Academy. Fair enough for me.
Elegant speech from Sean. Well done, lad.
And now Steven Spielberg, no doubt to round off the evening with the Best Picture award. They're trying to bring it home before midnight.
And the Best Picture is...
Slumdog Millionaire!
Well, that's about it. Thanks for all the chatter, folks. Sleep well.
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