MLS Allstar Game 2007!

There, I've said it. Join me, eh?
We are all former students at Lakenheath High School and other public schools in East Anglia. We were in school in the 70s and 80s and drank deeply from the well of British culture of those decades - the pints, the telly, and of course the footie!
It's good to see a few Scots in the Celtic side, but as Gooner points out, it is only pre-season. Nakamura being an obvious missing ingredient tonight.
Lots of Revvies in the starting line-up for the MLS Allstars, including Matty Reis, Michael Parkhurst and Shalrie Joseph. Lovely.
Typical Scots goalkeeping there, a wave and a miss.
As usual it's the Tower of Babel coverage on ESPN2, with Waldo, Tommy Smyth and some American wanker in the box, Alan Hopkins on the touchline and no doubt 'Celo waiting in the wings to snap a few wet towels in the locker room at half time.
Wife and sister in law have on Ugly Betty . . . sorry, mate.
First decent chance there falls to Ricardo Clark, who I'm liking more and more. He was put in there by Angel and then drilled it straight at the keeper.
Hey Trev, thanks for stopping by. How's everything in D.C.?
Did you catch any of the Senate debate on Iraq occupation funding? . . . I tried to make it through the . . . er-um .. . Independent, Joe Loser-man, but his monotone put me to sleep . . .
The Allstars are actually playing some decent stuff, but Celtic look very ordinary. Gooner reckons they'll want some revenge for a serious hammering they got at the hands of D.C. United last summer.
Lauri, I and the kids are getting ready to drive to Isle of Palm, SC on Saturday for our two weeks of vacation at the beach. . . actually, I only get one week, the first week I'm working . . . unfortunately, unlike last year I'm heading north (not south) for the week of work . . . I have meeting in Brunswick County, NC where we are establishing a new center and in Raleigh . . . How's Jax?
The game's settled into a bit of a boring pattern here with Celtic playing mostly in midfield.
Enjoy the Isle of Palms. KC and I spent a nice week with her family there almost ten years ago. Lovely spot.
Jax is stinking hot. But I'm mostly indoors anyway, toiling away on my preliminary exams. Nearly finished with them and then it'll be on to the dissertation. Last hurdle, mate.
Okay, this dolley cam they've got going is making me a little sick. I wish they'd just stick with the stationary cam. I hear that they'll be having a Beckham cam on Saturday night. Can't bloody wait.
Like the Kenyans running the steeplechase, an easy clearance for you . . . and then on to DC, we hope! . . . I'm going to see if I can co-opt the TV . . . I'll check back later.
Jesus, Toja nearly scored there and the powers that be at ESPN nearly missed it because they were arsing about with the dolley cam. Amazing.
I hope so too. KC will be moving up there around about Labor Day and I hope to follow (job providing) as soon as possible. If you want to bump off one or two social studies educators at either George Mason or Maryland, that would help me out.
Nice to see that Ricardo Clark fancies having a pop now and again.
I do like the look of Dwayne DeRosario. Very direct and threatening. We'd have him down the Elland.
I am here fellas
Why don't players go out and entertain in games like this?
They should be out there having fun.
Why is Angel taking free kicks? Becks is looking on as if to see - "I'd have had that one in the top corner."
Penalty for the All-Stars
I am not sure about that. I guess it was a clumsy challenge but he did dive
Welcome, Dave! Good to have you on board. This is the most active the LOB has been in yonks.
I agree with you, it should be much more free flowing.
Ay ay, looks like a pen. Not sure about that one. Eddie was diving before there was contact. Even Waldo sees it.
Not a bad pen, but he telegraphed it a bit with his run-up. Good save from the keeper. He can't be Scots afterall.
How's everything in Scotia? Kathy and the kids alright, mate?
Good point
Everything is going fine.
Enjoying the time off. Of course, it is a pain to have to teach two nights a week.
Spoke to Joel for a while last week. I finally got back to him after he had left a message on my birthday.
He doesn't do computers.
He likes to just ride his Harley all over the country. His brother, Mark, lives in Fla.
Shame that that attack from the MLS Allstars came to nothing. Good stuff from Angel to stay onside.
Really? Mark Hunter is here in Florida? Where? Why did I know that Joel wouldn't be on the web. And riding a Harley, eh? I can only imagine. I kind of picture him the way that they used to draw Butthead of "Beavis and Butthead" as an adult.
Typical ESPN2 bollocks. They're off having a chat on the sideline with Hoppo and they completely missed a good goal from Angel.
What do you reckon, Dave? Will Becks play on Saturday? I think he might play the first half. He is the consummate professional and he'll know how important it is to play that game. And if Chelski know what's good for them, they'll let him score, too.
I missed the goal, I was putting the kids to bed.
I will rewind it in a minute.
Celtic hit the post!!!
It says that Becks probably won't start. I think he will get a free kick chance.
Ooh, that was a near thing for Celtic. A rocket off the post from Hesselink. I refuse to call him by his full name. It's too silly.
You might as well not bother, bloody ESPN2 missed it as well. Hilariously bad coverage tonight.
Becks getting ready for half-time
Yeah, they're confirming that Becks won't start on Saturday. That's a big blow.
Right, he's going to play in his Italian suit, eh, Dave?
GOAL! 2-0 MLS! This is getting embarrassing. I wouldn't like to hear the teacups rattling in the Celtic dressing room at half time now. Wee Gordon can't be happy.
I just saw the goal.
Great timing ESPN, this is between innings in baseball. I can't believe they didn't get the goal properly!!!
oops, while I watching the first goal I missed the second.
They usually have loads of subs in these games but Stevie Nichol is sticking with the same line-up so far. He seems like he actually wants to win this one to put one over on his old Scotland mate.
You are a numpty!
Half-time - 2-0 MLS! Amazing performance from the boys, incredibly inept coverage from ESPN2. I'm off for a quick popsickle.
The beauty of the DVR!!
Just rewind it... forward it.
A beautiful thing
Oh dear, David doesn't sound very positive about Saturday.
You are a one-man promotional machine for TIVO.
What the hell is Becks doing at "In and Out Burger."
Okay, who are these poseurs? I prefer the traditional marching band or parade of dogs.
Looks like Becks is going for a less flamboyant hair doo . . Okay, who the heck is The Acamedy Is. . . is this the Beckham Academy house band, or what?
We love the DVR here too . . .
Okay, lads, if you want a proper half-time show, go to YouTube and type "Kobayashi vs. The Bear" in the search box. You won't be sorry - enjoy!
Okay, I've got to push off now. Nice chatting with you both (Dave, nice work on the trivia question)
You wasted my time on a hot dog eating BEAR!!!!
Thanks Sir Trev
People call me Cliff Clavin
Hey, that bear's got talent! And did you notice that it was billed as "Japan vs. the U.S" as if the bear represents us. I love it.
Oh yeah, and the game's kicked off again. Never mind....
Celtic getting a bit chippy now. Brown picks up a yellow.
I didn't notice the US v Japan.
What do you think about these talking about Rangers and Celtic?
Is it the biggest?
Thank God they didn't mention the Yankees and Red Sox
Is that Cliff from Cheers? Why would people call you that? Have you become a postman?
Off side against Celtic. Was it?
I really hate the ESPN coverage of this stuff. I really hope that they don't use these morons for Euro 08 next year.
The FSC Saturday night coverage, however, is getting better. I've come to like Max Bretos, okay maybe tolerate him a bit more.
Yes Cliff from Cheers. I think you know why I am called Cliff
Yeah, definitely offside but I'm sure that the steam is coming out of Gordon's ears.
Uh, you're broad New England accent?
Do you hang out in bars rather than going home in the evening? I dunno - I'm stumped.
I am glad to see that you have given Max a second chance.
Have you been watching the U20s on ESPNU?
I didn't even know that we had that channel until a couple of weeks ago.
Shame about the US. They had the beating of Austria.
Argentina beat Chile 3-0 tonight and will play the Czechs in the final
I don't get ESPNU, but I did catch one U.S. match against Poland that they showed on the regular channel. They looked pretty tasty, particularly Adu, who I believe in probably in his early twenties, and Jossy Altidore. Shame they got knocked out when they did but no one's stopping the Argies.
Are you sure you don't get it? I didn't get it until just recently.
I think the US could have given the Argies a game. Chile had a man sent off very early in the first half so the score isn't a impressive as it sounds.
Scotland had a team at the tournament and did awful. Where was England? Didn't they qualify? Do they have a U20s team?
Pablo Mastroenni coming on now. He really should be the skipper for the U.S. team.
I don't know. They must have a side and they must have been involved at some point. I can't believe that they couldn't qualify.
I'll check around. I didn't realize I had GolTV until recently either.
Bloody hell, these guys do waffle on about nothing, don't they?
I don't have Gol TV
I don't think they do have a U20s. They must put those players in the U21s. Pyscho wants all the young uns.
Is Landy on yet?
I just ingore the commentators.
That is why I like the U20s. There were commentators from the Prem.
Have you ever noticed that a typical MLS crowd sounds as if they're on a roller coaster? Or has Becks just done a circuit by a group of teenage girls? Honestly, I ask you!
Here he comes.
I think Becks could really hook up with him well.
Here comes Landycakes. Let's hope that Becks gives him a right clattering in training. He needs sorting out straight away.
Becks coming here could be a disaster. He could be succesful but it won't be good enough for Americans and to match the hype
Blimey, they're talking about hockey now. Please shut Dave O'B up pronto!
Oh, it'll never match the hype but if he plays at all well it'll help. I still run into people who started watching footie in 94 because of the World Cup.
They mentioned that on the pre game.
Landy has the most all-stars with Gretzky before the age of 25
Oh dear, here goes the roller coaster cam again and the wee girls are screaming too.
The press are too negative!!!
You listen to ESPN TV and Radio.
It is painful
Yeah, if I had the ear of ESPN, I'd say work on three things:
1. No American terminology.
2. No American sports references.
3. Shut the bleeding bazooki up!
I especially like the last one
I only caught a piece of ESPN coverage on the day of the Becks press conference and they were trashing MLS. I thought - "Listen, guys, you're bloody company has a huge investment in the sport. Get with the program or shut the hell up!"
They've gone to Hoppo again on the sideline. Cue the screamer from forty yards by DeRosario.
Great minds think alike.
What an awful interview!!!!
My night is made.
ON ESPN2 they mention, Giggsy, Scholsey and Nicky Butt!!!
Apparently, both Freddy Adu and Eddie Johnson are trying to score deals with Celtic while they're in the States this week. Good luck. I can't quite see either of them on a sleety day on Bogside.
Huh Huh, Huh Huh, you said butt.
Great pass by Landy
They are ripping poor Celtic apart!
Want to put a wager on that Becks makes the ALL-STAR team next year!!!
Come on go for it.
Not only that, I think Posh could make the All-Star squad.
Not sure that was off side.
Way to go Wynalda, put the Irishman in his place!!!
Karen and I were having a debate the other night about who's the more common - Posh or Becks? Karen thought Becks but I think Posh.
I love Waldo - he has no fear about telling the truth. Tommy Smyth needs to bugger off into an old onion bag.
I think Becks.
Sorry Robert
Deadly by Landy
Run fify yards and then let it roll to a hoop shirt.
I don't like of their funky camera shots.
Moving cameras do nothing for me
You buggered off just because I was on Karen's side!!!!
Well that's it.
Will you be around on Saturday night?
I will be watching.
I had fun
Full-time - 2-0. A real stuffing for Celtic. Now get set for the confetti cannons.
I'll see you Saturday, mate. Cheerio!
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