Fox Football Fone-in Gets Chippy

Caller: Well, you'd better sort it out before you start trying to cover the Champions League....
Suit: Well, to be fair, we haven't received much criticism about our coverage of MLS....
Caller: ....because all of us out here have JustinTV.
(Ten seconds of nervous dead air)
Cohen: Let me be clear that JustinTV is an illegal channel, so we're not going to be talking about that here.
(Nervous laughter in the studio)
It's the first time I've heard our favorite San Francisco computer geek mentioned in polite circles, so I found it fascinating.
Any thoughts?
If your cable system is sub standard, you do not want a dish and the local bars charge admission - going to the online speakeasy is the only way to go.
Justin got mentioned on EPL talk last week too.
Agreed, Guy. Sports broadcasters are feeling the wrath of millions of sports fans in the same way that the music industry have suffered at the hands of music lovers. We've been gouged for years and are not having it any more.
It was particularly interesting to see the sick smile on the corporate suit's face when Justin was mentioned. I couldn't tell whether he was thinking, "We've got his number" or "Yeah, I'm watching Justin too!"
Thanks for your comment.
It is amazing how closely this resembles the first industry responses to digital music distribution. And more incredible that they've chosen to ignore the signals and pretend that we're not hard at it on our PCs and Macs watching their product for free.
I'm with Bob. We have never felt the love from any our cable distributors who have screwed us with their $20 per match PPV, and who preempt our coverage to bring us fat-guys committing Festivus type activities instead. They can't be surprised now that we have found ways to watch what we want to as technology improves.
The only thing left for FSC and ESPN to do is to make everything available for a start, and use their technology to improve our experience.
I wouldn't be on Justin's site or the ADHTE or Veetle if I had a choice to watch something that I wanted with superior video quality. Give me the choice of watching every Arsenal game and I'll take it and pay for it, but not get scorched at $20 a throw.
Real choice means unbundling our cable and satellite so that what we want to watch isn't subsidizing a million shopping channels, vapid reruns of comedies and dramas we didn't want to watch when they were new, and activities that are called sport that we know are not.
If my cable is $130 per month, I want to watch every Arsenal game, every England game, and more. Until they give me that choice, I'll be online watching those matches and the bosses of the networks, the cable providers, and the leagues can get stuffed.
You know, why would Cohen choose to decline to talk about this rather than argue his corner in the debate? That's surrender, that is.
In my view, Cohen is a true believer. Think about who he is - he's a fairly ordinary Brit who'd never get close to broadcasting in England. He's come to the States and done very well for himself and has ended up hobnobbing with the likes of Warren Barton and Robbie Earle on a weekly basis. He's an entrepreneur who feels as if the system has worked for him.
I completely agree that the cable and satellite industry needs a complete overhauling. If they're bundling these products, then I should be able to use all of them together. There's no reason why, with the available technology, I should be able to have one device in my living room where I can watch the telly I choose, surf the net, do word processing, have my music uploaded and make phone calls. They're nickel and diming us, and they're starting to pay for it.
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