In Rooney's defence...
I just finished watching the spuds vs. orks on the Premiership Review show tonight and it struck me that during Crouchie's goal celebration, it's pretty obvious that he's saying "F**k off" to the adoring and unevolved half of North London. And unlike your favorite Gooner, when he says it to spuds fans, he's got a smile on his face.
Cameras everywhere and field mikes too, so what's the difference between what Rooney got caught yelling and what Crouchie and pretty much every other premiership goal scorer runs about yelling after they score?
How about that Crouchie actually has a decent strike rate for England?
So much for consistency. It's all about reputations and perception.
Oh - and Roon's a wanker. Cased closed.
Agreed, Rooney is a feral savant, hell-bent on self destruction. I don't think you could get any decent betting odds that he won't end up being a 40-year old disaster like Gazza.
But I think it's ridiculous to cherry pick Rooney's cursing when there's not a weekend that goes by that you don't see the defender that's plowed through his man telling the ref to eff-off as he's being cautioned, or even another goal scorer like Crouch celebrating scoring with the same response.
If I were Wayne, I'd call every player in my mobbie's call list and try to arrange it so that next Saturday, every goalscorer up and down the league runs straight to the camera and effs and blinds themselves silly. A booming blast of invective from every player, so that the FA can reassess their petty ways and get to the real business of stewardship of the game.
It would be hilarious too.
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