Can this man crush the Premier League?

This is Justin. You know him as JustinTV.
Davey found this piece in the Guardian that outs the issue of pirated streaming internet coverage of the Premier League and the hand wringing efforts of the League to clamp down on JustinTV, and some 90,000 sites devoted to streaming footy.
Are we really at risk of a melt-down because the Prem can't count on Sky's, Setanta's, and ITV's cash deals for coverage? Discuss.
My first reaction upon seeing the article was "Bugger! They're on to us." But of course they are. I realize that by the time a digital immigrant like me gets on to a nifty new piece of on-line know-how, the kids have already moved on to something a lot hipper.
My second reaction, though, is that the genie is already out of the bottle and it will really difficult for the Premiership to shove it back in. The Premiership's marketing to places like the Middle East and Asia has ironically brought this on themselves. To paraphrase something my old mate Karl liked to say, the Premiership is its own gravedigger.
But hold on - doesn't this just mean that the Premiership money men will just have to adapt and shift from getting its main revenues off the telly rights? I think so. It may also mean that they'll have to adjust to having a bit less dosh to throw around. That doesn't bother me at all. Can anyone say "salary cap?"
I am confused if this is good news or bad. Can they stop him? It must be illegal! Of course, I will still watch the games on the tellie if they are on. People are still going to have Sky and Setanta on the TV line up.
It isn't just football. What about the NFL? Are they saying anything?
Bob's right. The genie is out of the bottle. Just like the recording industry has taken a beating because they were slow to adapt to new technologies that bypassed their revenue streams, so has pay TV. But unlike music, where some sentimentalists like myself still like to collect the object that a CD and its artwork represents, I have always resented the idea of pay TV.
If as this article says, there are 90K or so sites that are all providing this service, I think it's unlikely that the broadcasters can stop the transmissions. I would argue that it's stupid to try.
If the broadcasters were offering us decent service in the first place, who among us would have resorted to watching the games in this low-to-medium video quality? I think that the clubs have to get aboard the idea that this technology exists and to stop trying to make such an egregious profit from it. The very idea that Setanta can demand 13K quid from a pub to broadcast league games is ridiculous. The old idea that they can purchase the rights that prohibit me from watching Arsenal and England and whatever I want is equally ridiculous.
Sky, Setanta, and all of them better realize that they've lost this one and start treating customers like us better by offering new technologies that expand our viewing experience.
Yes...exactly! I'm in total agreement.
By the way, anyone else think that Justin looks as if he should be flogging the ShamWows?
Davey's getting a shamwow in his stocking this Christmas.
ooh, I hope so!!
So let me ask another dumb question. I notice that Justin has a wee camera on his headset and they mention in the article that there is some filming going on via headset. Is what we're watching really some geezer sitting in front of the telly filming the game via headset?
No man, that's his video blog. I think you can keep up with what he's doing, but personally, the footie's more interesting than watching him eat a biscotti with his Starbucks.
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