We are all former students at Lakenheath High School and other public schools in East Anglia. We were in school in the 70s and 80s and drank deeply from the well of British culture of those decades - the pints, the telly, and of course the footie!
Good News! The Vuvuzela not banned from SA2010

Paaarrrrrrp! I know the DevilGator and UWS will be delighted to hear that FIFA have tackled this issue head-on and those Solomon-like justices have decided "the Vuvuzela is in!" Expect next summer to sound louder than a 70's killer-bee based disaster movie! Paaarrrrrrp!
Typical nonsense from the empty headed animals in Zurich. The worst news I've heard all week. I'll be searching for broadcasters who have the foresight to turn down the crowd noise or heighten the commentary, otherwise I'll be using the mute button a lot next summer.
Honestly, I find that bloody brass band that plays "Self Preservation Society," but only that one stanza much more offensive than those horns. Hell, I disliked those Swiss cowbells more than these horns. It's just a non issue.
I've got my Vuvuzela ready. Still want to spend the opening rounds together?
I give you about sixty minutes of the opening match until your patience cracks.
Is that a Vuvuzela in your pocket, or are you just excited for the World Cup to start?
Gooner... stick your Vuvuzela in your left ear!!
Bob is right, curses!
Davey, your middle son, the one who sat on the ottoman that night, really cheeky and mischievous look about him? That boy's getting a package in the post. He looks a very likely Vuvuzela player.
I wish you many early morning serenades.
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