Election Night Special!
Right, then. I was saddened to find that Jethro Q. Walrus Titty was not listed on the ballot today, but no mind. But no mind. The voting is done; now it's time to sit back and enjoy the "Election Night Special." I'll be bunkered in Blue Devil HQ until the wee hours watching the returns and throwing things at the telly. Won't you join me for a laugh (or cry) or two?
I'm home now and pouring myself a nice G&T to settle the nerves. Polls have closed in some of the East Coast states. No swing states reporting yet.
As I watching the Monte Python election I see that Romney leads Florida by 712 votes with approximately 50,000 ballots counted. I am watching on CNN.
I am nervous too, Bob. It feels rather tense.
I am nervous too, Bob. It feels rather tense.
Romney won Indiana and Kentucky and I think Obama won Virginia
The polls close in North Carolina, West Virginia,and Ohio in a few minutes
BLOODY HELL! Ohio may not be decided for another ten days.
I made a mistake . Only 1% of the votes have been counted in Virginia
Obama ahead by 3% in Ohio while North Carolina is too close too call.Obama leads by 4% in Florida with 25% of the votes counted.Obama is doing well in the I4 corridor.
Early results in non-swing states:
Romney is project to have won in Indiana (11 electoral votes) and in Kentucky (8)
Obama has predictably taken the District of Columbia (3 electoral votes).
So 19-3 Romney at the moment.
Evening MUR - my hope is that Obama will reach 270 tonight without Ohio's 18 electoral votes.
Obama has now won Vermont's 3 electoral votes.
Romney has taken South Carolina (9) and WVA (5)
So by my count it's Romney 33 Obama 6.
It's early and I am neither optimistic or drunk enough.
Ohio can't go to the toilet properly.
In the Senate races, Democrat Joe Manchin has retained his seat in West VIrginia.
Welcome, Someone! I'm pacing myself, nursing a cocktail early doors. I'm heating up a casserole that I may have a beer with.
I've killed about half a bag of Fritos in twenty minutes.
I really think that it will be a small state (Nevada or NH, maybe) that will put Obama over the top.
Romney has picked up Georgia now with its 16 electoral votes.
Romney has jumped out to a sizable lead in Virginia - with 9% reporting he's at 58.3% to Obama's 40.2%. That may be deceptive though as the Democratic-learning urban areas up near DC will come in later.
I had to pick up Melanie as she was rehearsing for an All Region Concert that she will be performing in on Saturday. I saw the results . Should we be alarmed or did Romney win states he was expected to win?
Good point, BD. Obama was ahead in Florida and Ohio when I went to pick up Melanie.
Good point, BD. Obama was ahead in Florida and Ohio when I went to pick up Melanie.
A cocktail, casserole ,and beer is a perfect way to spend an election night. what is the cocktail?
Obama is ahead 64 to 40 in the elecioral college based on projections.
Polls closing in 16 states at the 8pm hour. Lots of calls being made:
Obama has won CT, Maine, MD, RI, Delaware, DC and Illinois.
Romney has won Tennessee, OK, and Miss.
My usual - Hendricks gin and tonic with lime twist.
A friend brought me a 12 pack of Smuttynose beer from a trip to NH - may dip into that.
Angus King has picked up a senate seat in Maine as an independent. He's likely to caucus with the Dems so it's a pick up for them.
Obama ahead by 2% in Florida Obama has 62% of the vote in Ohio, but only 7% of the precincts have reported.Romney is 3% ahead in the popular vote.
Great news in Maine.I am not familiar with Smuttynose beer, but there is a much greater selection up north.I am sticking to Shiner Bock Octoberfest
Great news in Maine.I am not familiar with Smuttynose beer, but there is a much greater selection up north.I am sticking to Shiner Bock Octoberfest
So it's Romney 82 Obama 64 right now on the electoral vote count.
Oh - that is a nice one, MUR.
If Obama pulls out Florida tonight, I may run amok naked in the parking lot. Watch out, neighbors!
Sierra Nevada Celebration here.
Early voting in Ohio heavy for Obama.
Thanks, BD. You stated that Romney is ahead. Have there been any surprises or have the results gone as expected?
Looks good in Florida. An upsets so far?
Obama ahead by 2% in Florida with 50% of the precincts reported.
BUGGER! Romney now leads by 2% in Florida.
Looks good for Obama in they swing counties of Ohio.
No upsets yet - everything has gone to form.
Obama up early in Ohio as is Sherrod Brown.
Florida's still looking good - none of Broward County announced yet.
Good to hear. Not liking the latest news from Florida.
They said Romney was ahead by 5% in Florida.
I may regret saying this later on but it's looking smoother than even I expected.
If you count the kids It was a 2-2 tie in the Goldstein household.
Your kiddies are Romney fans, MUR?
I feel better about your statement, BD.
One each, BD.
Glad to see Bill Nelson defeated Connie Mack in the Senate race in Florida.
Glad to see Bill Nelson defeated Connie Mack in the Senate race in Florida.
Nice little bump for Obama as the Charlottesville area just came in. Thank you, UVA!
MSNBC predicting that the Latino vote will go 75-25% for Obama. Wow!
That's higher than usual. It's normally 65%-35%.
That's higher than usual. It's normally 65%-35%.
The Goldstein vote was as follows:
Adults one each and kids each. The girls voted in a mock election at school and it seems that Obama won by a landslide at school. Similar results at my school.
It is - the Republican immigration policy is killing them.
Billy Nelson creaming Connie Mack in Florida.LOVELY JUBBLY
Good evening Bivalve. I am up for a drinking game.Ten Shiner Bock Octoberfests waiting to be drunk.
Good evening Bivalve. I am up for a drinking game.Ten Shiner Bock Octoberfests waiting to be drunk.
Redistricting may be giving me a new congresswoman, her name is Joyce Beatty (D)
It is delicious . I have no complaints.
US that good news or bad news, Someone?
Obama ahead by 3% in Florida, but Romney up by 3% in North Carolina.Obama has a huge lead in Ohio.
I am willing to play any game . I am not picky about the rules.
I was no fan of hers when she was in the statehouse, but she's not a wingnut.
I am surpirrised to see so many people vote Republican in NJ>. Romney 5% ahead in the popular vote.
No drinking games tonight, Bivalve, just drinking. But welcome. I started with a nice G&T and have now moved on to a Smuttynose Pale Ale with my dinner.
Doesn't sound like the perfect candidate, but better than a wingnut.
Doesn't sound like the perfect candidate, but better than a wingnut.
Still on my first Shiner Bock. I waited to start until I had taken Melanie home from All Region Orchestra practice.
Still on my first Shiner Bock. I waited to start until I had taken Melanie home from All Region Orchestra practice.
Such a divide between cities and non cities in this country. How can this be fixed. Two different planets.
Sounds like two counties may decide Virginia
I'm looking forward to some Shiner Bock in January, MUR. Are you up for a mini-reunion in your old TX stomping grounds, Bivalve?
I am not sure that will happen any time in the near future, Someone. I wish I had better news.
It's more rhetorical, but it's right there, was there in 2008 and is not changing.
Where in TX did you live, Bivale? There are plenty of varieties of Shiner Bock,which id brewed In Shiner, the midpoint between Houston and San Antonio.
Bivalve was in the People's Republic of Austin.
The best city in Texas and friendliest towards our point of view. Once you go outside the city limits , it's a different story.
Obama now 3% up in Florida with 58% reporting. Wow!
You're absolutely right, Someone. I don't know the solution to that. It's absurd that I see Confederate flag memorabilia in Chautauqua County and the local high school is nicknamed The Hillbillies - all because of rural animosity toward downstate urban culture.
Obama has 58% of the vote in Ohio with 22% voting. Is it too early to celebrate?
Romney up by 2% in Pennsylvania.
Again - PA is one of those states where the hinterlands will come in first and the Pitt and Philly come roaring in later on.
When did you live in Austin? I have lived in Texas since 1992. The RGV votes primarily Democrat. My students wanted to know why Romney hates Mexican Americans.
Good to hear, BS. The expert on CNN says that Hillsborough is key Florida County. Is that the county where Tampa is located?
You left the year we moved into out current house. You were there when Bush was governor.
Well done, Rhode Island. They've voted for Obama and have now returned Sheldon Whitehouse to the Senate.
Sorry, I meant to say BD. My typing skills are poor.
I may come over for a bit after I put the girls to bed. I'll give you a ring if I do
What about Florida? Bill Nelson won the Senate race and Obama leads by 2%.
Yes - Hillsborough is basically Tampa/St. Petes.
Obama now leads by 1% in Florida.
Yes, Hillsborough is Tampa. I used to live there. Clearly, I am key kind of guy.
Obama up 88 to 64 in the electoral vote count now. Still no swing states announced, though.
As expected, Texas is a major disappointment.
Looking good in Ohio and Florida.
Come on over any time, Red Devil - I've got some beers in the fridge for you.
When you come to Harlingen , you may may be drinking winter lagers in 80 degree heat.
New Mexico and Colorado are key states.
New Mexico and Colorado are key states.
That sounds just fine, MUR.
An Obama victory in Wisconsin would be a low blow for Paul Ryan and deservedly so.
Is it hoping for too much to imagine Paul Ryan losing his Congressional seat tonight?
Nice slap at Scott Walker too.
Poll closings in the 9 o'clock hour. Michigan has gone for Obama.
Sorry, MUR Texas has gone for Romney.
I LOVE NEW YORK - the Empire State has gone for Obama.
New Mexico has gone for Obama - that's the first slightly big one.
Arizona - too early to call? Wow!
No surprises from the latest results. was Michigan a surprise?
Colorado is too close too call. New Mexico is good news. Texas went as I knew it would.
John "Tiny Tears" Boehner will be retained as Speaker - the Repubs will regain control of the House.
WOW ! Obama winning in the state of GOP VP candidate! I think that is a sign that people are displeased with Scott Walker's performance.
I didn't expect this tonight given Sandy. But Obama has taken New Jersey. That's big - no surprise.
It looks like the Republicans will control the House. BUGGER!
It looks like the Republicans will control the House. BUGGER!
MSNBC called the control of the House.
Great news, BD.
Michigan isn't really a surprise, no.
Wolf Blitzer stated this just a minute ago.
I am not sure. I thought it would be close.
I am not sure. I thought it would be close.
Ohio's tightening up 19% in, 52/46 Obama
Romney has taken the lead in Florida and leads by 1% in North Carolina.
CNN says Obama leads 55 to 44 % in Ohio.
early results show Romney ahead in Colorado while Obama leads in New Hampshire.
now Obama leads 55-44 in Colorado.
First really big one - Penn goes for Obama!!
Obama ahead 54-45 in Ohio with 31% of the precincts reporting.
Pennsylvania is huge, Romney was putting a lot of resources into there.
Way Hay! Excellent news,BD!
So now it's Romney 153 to Obama 147.
Romney leads by 1% in Missouri.
More bad news from Texas - Ted Cruz is your new Senator, MUR. Good luck with that one! He's a complete tool.
Close , but Obama should win huge on the west coast.
Yeah - Romney was even in PA as recently as this morning.
Virginia tightening up nicely, just as I'd expected.
Florida is a freaking yo-yo.
Stephanie Cutter, Obama's field manager just interviewed on MSNBC. Almost giggling. I'm still waiting for this to get hard - it seems too easy.
Correct, BD and Someone.
I sure hope so, BD.
I sure hope so, BD.
Your brethren are bloody slow at counting votes, Ed. Only 11% reporting. Get on with it, Buckeyes!
I t looks tight for control of the Senate,
I t looks tight for control of the Senate,
Obama leads by 8% in Colorado. Looking good.
Obama leads by 8% in Colorado. Looking good.
Osceola County going huge for Obama - wonder what's happening there. Usually bright red.
Only 15% reporting in Miami Dade. This is looking good.
I'm waiting for Husted shenanigans to set in.
AP projecting Sherrod Brown as winner in the Ohio senate race.
Agreed, BD. Osceola County is like rural Texas. A huge upset
Romney now leads by all of 636 votes in Florida. Still leading in Colorado, but Romney leads by 3% in North Carolina.
Romney now leads by all of 636 votes in Florida. Still leading in Colorado, but Romney leads by 3% in North Carolina.
Now Obama leads by 1000 votes in Florida . Too close too call.
Woo hoo - Sherrod Brown has been called as the winner in Ohio - well done, Buckeyes!
Hope they do the same with Obama.
Hope they do the same with Obama.
Obama now leading for the first time in the evening on electoral votes - 158 to 153.
Obama ahead by 3% in Colorado and ahead by 7% in the swing counties.
Colorado still up for grabs?
Wow - Tammy Baldwin in the lead in Wisconsin. Could be the first opening gay Senator.
Yes - still up for grabs.
Great news from Wisconsin!
Breathing slightly better. Slightly. Looking a lot like 2008.
Romney ahead by 2% in the popular vote, but it was 5 % earlier.
Agreed, Someone. Other than Indian it sure is. Too close for comfort in Florida.
I meant to say Indiana.
I meant to say Indiana.
New Hampshire has gone for Obama!
WOOOOOOOO! Elizabeth Warren!
I second that, BD!
I second that, BD!
I agree, Bivalve.
This is becoming a big, big night.
I think that calls for a glass of port.
Ohio SoS has Obama 50.8 to 47.65 to Romney. 38% in.
This race is tightening.
Good news about Warren.
Joe Walsh is losing in his house race,
Obama leads by 4 % in Colorado and by 1% in Florida.
MSNBC are getting a bit giddy as Joe Donnelly has been called as the winner of the Indiana senate race. Defeating Richard Mourdock - the "rape is God's will" guy.
I will celebrate by polishing off the Shiner Bock Octoberfest.
I have been following that Indiana Senate race and want Donnelly to win. Murdock is a a major jerk.
I have been following that Indiana Senate race and want Donnelly to win. Murdock is a a major jerk.
YESSSSSSSSSS!!! Joe Donnelly won the Indiana Senate race.
I want to see Paul Ryan turfed out of Congress. That would be icing on the cake.
A close Senate race in Virginia.
I would love that, BD.
Chuck Todd is saying that Republicans are going to have to do some serious soul-searching.
Agreed, BD.
Agreed, BD.
Now the Romney leads the popular vote by 1%. Obama is closing in.
Obama still leads Florida by 1%
Miami Dade still only at 40% reported. Those votes are going to come steaming in in the next hour.
That should help Obama in Florida.
Obama has 58 % of the vote in Penn. WOW!
WOW - Tammy Baldwin has won in Wisconsin. First openly gay Senator in US history. WOW!
I agree, BD.
I suspect that Rachel will call Nevada for Obama when she comes back from the ad break. There are very, very few swing states left for Romney to claim.
NC is too close to call? Wow!
Agreed, BD. I t loos like Obama may win Florida.If he wins Ohio too then surely it's curtains for Romney.
Agreed, BD. I t loos like Obama may win Florida.If he wins Ohio too then surely it's curtains for Romney.
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