Lakenheath Old Boys
We are all former students at Lakenheath High School and other public schools in East Anglia. We were in school in the 70s and 80s and drank deeply from the well of British culture of those decades - the pints, the telly, and of course the footie!
Friday, June 30, 2006
Italy vs. Ukraine
I would love to see the Italians go out today to Ukraine - love it! I'm really tired of their negativity and cheating. Come on, Sheva!
Germany vs. Argentina
This is what the World Cup's all about. A massive game and one big team will be going home in a couple of hours. The victor will go on to a semi-final with the other winner today between Italy and Ukraine. There is no one for a true England to support in this match-up, so I'll just be hoping for a cracking, open match with lots of goals.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
World Cup Predictions Game Update

We'll get a bit of breather from the World Cup over the next two days - I'll be in serious withdrawal by lunchtime tomorrow! - so it's time to take stock of our Predictions Game standings. The good news is we are some seriously knowledgeable footie fans and have made some good predictions to date. Here's where we stand:
Gooner71 - 46 points ( 6 teams still remaining)
United We Stand - 46 points (6 teams still remaining)
Gatorbob - 45 points (7 teams still remaining)
AZKicker - 42 points (6 teams still remaining)
Trevor Brooking - 38 points (5 teams still remaining)
Still a lot of footie to play. Enjoy it. I'll be back to update the standings on Saturday after England crush those cheating Portuguese bastards!
Monday, June 26, 2006
Switzerland vs. Ukraine

This is the weakest game of the round, so I'll be doing some work while this is on in the background. I'm tuning in mainly in the hope that my pick for Golden Boot - Sheva - gets a hatful today against a Swiss backline missing Philippe Senderos, who dislocated his shoulder in the last match. Come on, Sheva!
Italy vs. Australia
I'm not sure how many of you wage slaves will be around to watch this fascinating Round of 16 clash live, so just a reminder not to access the comments section until you've watched the match. Perhaps my educational comrade in arms, United We Stand, will join me live for the match. Are you out there, you Red Devil?
Come on the Socceroos!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Friday, June 23, 2006
World Cup Predictions Game Update

Well, the Group Stages are over and it's on to the real business of the tournament tomorrow. The second round is always my favorite part of the competition. England are usually still in it, but there is a real bite to the matches with everything on the line, starting in the morning with:
Germany vs. Sweden and then Argentina vs. Mexico in the afternoon. Can't wait.
But before all of that starts up, I would remiss if I were not to update the Predictions Game standings. Here's how we all are after the First Round:
Gooner71 - 22 points
United We Stand - 22 points
AZKicker - 18 points
Trevor Brooking - 18 points
GatorBob - 17 points.
As usual, I'm bringing up the rear, but I have real hope in my Golden Boot pick, Sheva to bring the extra 8 points that will push me over the edge. Good luck to all of you in the next round!
France vs. Togo/Switzerland vs. Korea

Could the French fans be crying in their Pernod tonight? They will be unless their side beat Togo. As it stands they'll need to beat the Togolese by two clear goals to qualify for the second round, with the other two competitive teams - Korea and Switzerland - playing each other. As for top spot/second spot, it's just too damned complicated to sort out now. I'll update during the match. Anyone out there watching today?
Spain vs. Saudi Arabia/Ukraine vs. Tunisia
I'll be watching the Spain match this morning because they're more enjoyable to watch than the other three. Ukraine has the best chance of progressing now with three points and a "0" goal difference. The other two have point from the draw against each other. Tunisia has a -2 goal difference and the Saudis a -4 goal difference - they're just about done. Join me for some cross-game blogging this morning.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
RIP: Top of the Pops 1964-2006

I was very sad to hear through Dave about the demise of Top of the Pops. It goes without saying that I have many, many vivid memories of watching TOTP during the seventies. Even today, when I hear that Jimmy Page riff I don't think "Whole Lotta Love" I think "TOTP!" As we grew up long before kids had the multiplicity of entertainment choices in their bedrooms, telly was "family time," so most of my memories consist of trying to explain to my parents why Marc Bolan or Thin Lizzy or Sham 69 were cool. It was a bit like watching porn with the missus, but I loved it. When I saw it occasionally on trips to London over the past ten or fifteen years, I could tell it was on its last legs. Perhaps MTV and cable telly in general has made it redundant, but that doesn't make the BBC's decision any easier to take.
So what are your favorite memories of TOTP. Mine:
* Any performance by Kate Bush (I especially remember a performance of "Roll in the Ball" which was very avant garde dance oriented with huge red balls.
* When the Sex Pistols were #1 for several weeks in the summer 77 with "God Save the Queen" and they refused to mention it.
* Noddy Holder performing that Slade Christmas song with Santa suit for a Christmas show.
Aussies vs. Croatia/Brazil vs. Japan
I reckon that Brazil will stink it up again today with little to accomplish from this match with the guileless Japanese, so I'll be watching the Aussies who can book their place in the next round with a simple draw against Croatia. Added interest here comes from the Croatian ancestry of several Oz players including big Mark Viduka. Feel free to blog away on either or both matches as the ESPN folks are leaving no mystery as to the results in both games.
U.S. vs. Ghana

This is the big one for U.S. soccer. The boys must win to have any chance of qualifying for the second round. Even then, they'll need some help from the Italians against the Czechs. It's a long shot, but if they put up a performance like the gutsy one against Italy at the weekend, they might, might just do it. It'll be thrilling to watch it in any case. Join me?
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Season's Fixtures to be Unveiled

Fans of Premiership and Football League clubs will discover next season's fixtures in less than 24 hours.
The full fixture programme for the 2006/07 season will be published on Thursday, 22 June at 1000 BST.
The Football League season begins on Saturday, 5 August - less than a month after the World Cup Final on 9 July.
The Premiership season begins a fortnight later, on 19 August. The Community Shield, between Chelsea and Liverpool, is on Sunday, 13 August.
Portugal vs. Mexico
Major stakes here in the first match today - the winners will avoid a nasty second round clash with Argentina. Portugal haven't quite turned it on yet while Mexico didn't turn up for their second match. Join me for this sprightly affair this morning.
"This way to the airport?"

If it wasn't completely obvious last night that Michael Owen was crocked, the scan today revealed serious damage to his ACL. He's out of this World Cup, and has returned to Newcastle where their doctors will decide about probable surgical repair.
Two other players had scans as well. Neville's confirmed that he can resume full training with the squad tomorrow and Rio's scan revealed no damage to hip, calf, or thigh so he'll resume his place, likely even for the Ecuador game.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Bloody Cheek!

Can you believe it? The schoolmarms at FIFA have issued a warning to England not to manipulate their game with Sweden to ensure a 2nd round game with Ecuador. Bloody cheek to suggest that when confronted with the lineup that Ecuador played today. Is anyone accusing them of tanking their game with the Germans by resting 6 of their starters?
If I was running the FA, I'd demand an statement of apology within 12 hours for the harmful insinuation that England alone would resort to this sort of tactic while suggesting that those fat bastards at FIFA would do better to start concentrating on how to find a few referees with the judicial temperament rather than the catastrophic collection of rule readers that have poisoned an otherwise good start to this world cup.
Here's a link to that letter of warning
Germany vs. Ecuador
This one's simple lads - Germany need to beat the plucky Ecuadorans in order to top the group. Any other result will create the bizarre dynamic in the England-Sweden match later today in which neither team will want to win as it will pit them against the hosts in the next round. So, I never thought I'd find myself in this position, but....
Come on you Germans!
Monday, June 19, 2006
World Cup Predictions Game Update

Believe it or not, we're through the second round of Group games and it's time again to take stock of the standings in our little predictions game. There has been a bit of a sifting in the past few days and our previous leader AZKicker has been unseated:
Gooner71 - 20 points
United We Stand - 20 points
GatorBob - 19 points
AZKicker - 17 points
Trevor Brooking - 17 points
I'll update this again on Friday after the last group games.
Switzerland vs. Togo
It's the big one - Switzerland vs. Togo! Two sides that are destined to light it up in this competition. Nah, just kidding. But if you're about and watching, join me for a spot of blogging, won't you?
Sunday, June 18, 2006
The Yellow Card Factor

The Internet has been full of chatter today about Sven's options against Sweden on Tuesday. With three players on yellow cards - Lampard, Crouch and Gerrard - and Rooney presumably back in play, Sven has some interesting choices to make. According to the BBC reports today, he's decided to rest Crouch and Gerrard and play Rooney from the start alongside a wildly out of form Owen. Lampard then will have free rein of the midfield. No word whether it will be Carrick or Carragher in the holding role. Goodness knows, with Sven, we may even get Hargreaves!
Your thoughts, gents?
France vs. Korea

This really should be the best match of the day. Les Bleus have it all to do after boring everyone to death against the Swiss. The Koreans looked to be a hard fighting side that won't be easily turned over and could easily end up topping the group and setting up a cross-Pyreneean match-up with France and Spain for the Round of Sixteen. Will it be escargot or kimchee or the menu today? Watch and see with me, won't you?
Brazil vs. Australia
After all the Nike-sponsored hype coming into this tournament, the Champions were distinctly underwhelming in their first match and needed a wonder strike from the boy Kaka to overturn an ordinary Croatia, while the Socceroos impressed a lot of people with their glorious Tim Cahill-inspired comeback against Japan. Will the Champions show up today to answer the critics who drooled over Argentina's display against Serbia? And have the Brazil camp been able to keep Big Ron away from the cream buns? We'll see next.
Croatia vs. Japan
This is another one for the die-hards. Croatia kept the boys from Brazil reined in while Japan nearly tipped mighty Australia with a distinctly jammy goal. We can only hope for a bit more open play from both teams today. Still lots to play for in this group. Join me?
Saturday, June 17, 2006
U.S. vs. Italy

Sixteen years ago these two sides met in the '90 Italia tournament. Now we have a chance to see how much U.S. footie has improved in the interim. The Italians scraped a narrow 1-0 victory back then. I'd take a repeat result. The earlier win for Ghana means that Bruce Arena's boys can't be eliminated today even if Luca Toni puts 18 by Kasey Keller. But it would be nice if the U.S. lads showed up today in front of a weekend afternoon ABC tv network audience. This one isn't for a place in the next round; it's one for the future of soccer in the U.S.A.
I haven't heard much from you "Soccer Dads" today; let's be having you during this match, eh?
Czechs vs. Ghana
Bet you never thought you'd see a live footie match between the Czech Republic and Ghana on network telly on a Saturday. Of course the downside is that ABC have added the mercurial former "Italy international" Georgio Chinaglia alongside Brent Musberger, Lexi Lalas and Eric Wynaldo in the studio. Join me for the festivities, while you fire up the grill for the big match at 3 p.m.
World Cup Predictions Game Update

Just a quick update of the standings of our predictions game, now that we're half way through the second round of group stage games. Things have tightened up a bit:
AZKicker - 18 points
Gooner71 - 15 points
Gatorbob - 15 points
Trevor Brooking - 15 points
United We Stand - 15 points
I'll update this again Monday night after we're through the second round of group matches.
Portugal vs. Iran
It's the eighth day of the World Cup and first up is the fancy dan Portuguese who flattered to deceive the other day against Angola while they only notched one goal. Can they improve on that outing today against a very ordinary Iran? Will crybaby Cristiano Ronaldo get another game for Big Phil's side? Find out next?
Friday, June 16, 2006
Mexico vs. Angola
Mexico looked very impressive the other day against Iran, while Angola frustrated the Portuguese after going down to an early goal. An interesting match-up to come. Join me?
those f$%&@

No-one in the US will see these, but I have to tell you that Budweiser has a really offensive ad campaign. It centers around two American bozo annoucers making soccer ignorant observations.
a. one announcer says to the other, "what team impresses you here?" And the second bozo say, "oh, the netherlands because as I understand it, the whole country is under-water. that's gotta be a disadvantage."
b. one announcer says to the other, "you gotta say, these rookies are really putting on a show!" The second one says, "uh hal, i think those are the mascots."
c. one announcer is wearing a guardsman's uniform and bearskin. "Great costume Hal. where'd ya getit? "I saw this guy standing in a little house and asked him if i could borrow it. he kept quiet so i figured, ok?"
and they go on in that bone-headed vein. i'm the first to admit that yes, it's probably true that even if the us won the bloody final, the news would share the sports page with the golf tourney, the hockey playoff, and last night's baseball score. and true, most americans would not realize that we'd competed. but it's getting on my tits that anything american is european shorthand for willfull ignorance. and to see budweiser complicit in that impression is disappointing.

No-one in the US will see these, but I have to tell you that Budweiser has a really offensive ad campaign. It centers around two American bozo annoucers making soccer ignorant observations.
a. one announcer says to the other, "what team impresses you here?" And the second bozo say, "oh, the netherlands because as I understand it, the whole country is under-water. that's gotta be a disadvantage."
b. one announcer says to the other, "you gotta say, these rookies are really putting on a show!" The second one says, "uh hal, i think those are the mascots."
c. one announcer is wearing a guardsman's uniform and bearskin. "Great costume Hal. where'd ya getit? "I saw this guy standing in a little house and asked him if i could borrow it. he kept quiet so i figured, ok?"
and they go on in that bone-headed vein. i'm the first to admit that yes, it's probably true that even if the us won the bloody final, the news would share the sports page with the golf tourney, the hockey playoff, and last night's baseball score. and true, most americans would not realize that we'd competed. but it's getting on my tits that anything american is european shorthand for willfull ignorance. and to see budweiser complicit in that impression is disappointing.
Argentina vs. S&M
The Argentinians were mighty impressive against Ivory Coast the other day, especially the pundits' favorite Juan Riquelme. Will they keep up the form today against the Serb? Will the Serbs avoid an early bath? Find out with me.
Jorge Valdano: Cry Freedom For Fear Of A Tournament Ruled By Systems
Nice bit of analysis from Jorge Valdano in today's Guardian.,,1798741,00.html
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Sweden vs. Paraguay
Now that we've all got our breath back, we can sit back and enjoy the last match today. I think that Gooner Steve has it just about right when he says that we want Paraguay to win this one and virtually eliminate Sweden. Join me if you've got any energy left.
Costa Rica vs. Ecuador
Another one for the die-hards out there. For a moment there, this match was of great consequence. But with Poland's exit at the hands of Oliver Neuville's late goal, this game doesn't mean much. However, you may want to have another look at England's likely second round opponents. If you're watching, post away.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
World Cup Predictions Game Update

We're through the first round of matches of Deutschland '06. Remember that AZKicker had jumped into an early lead after the first eight games. Well, AZ is still in the lead and actually picked up points on the others in the last eight games of the round.
Here are the standings:
AZ Kicker - 22 points
Gooner71 - 15 points
United We Stand - 15 points
Trevor Brooking - 14 points
Gator Bob - 14 points
Still looking to get quarterfinal, semifinal and final predictions from Gooner and United. Hop to it, lads.
Germany vs. Poland

The second round of group matches starts with a very interesting European encounter. The Germans looked brilliant the other day, opening up with a 4-2 stuffing of Costa Rica, with some wobbliness at the the back. Poland on the other hand have everything to prove after losing miserably to Ecuador. Could they be the first to book their flights home? Boil up some sauerbraten, stick on the lederhosen and join me to find out.
Spain vs. Ukraine
This morning's tasty morsel is the Group H match-up between the two sides that I expect to dominate this group - Spain and Ukraine. Join me if you're watching.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Brazil vs. Croatia

The Samba Boys are about to kickoff, so pull up a chair, pour yourself a caipourinha and join me for some "Jogo Bonito." Will Brazil live up to the enormous hype? We'll soon see. I'd love to see a 12-0 thumping with everyone including Dida scoring, but my head says that the Croatian backline has the experience to hold down the score. Alright, I'll tolerate an 8-0. How about that?
France vs. Switzerland
France are, to my mind, the most underated side in this tournament. No one's talking about them, despite their favored status in 2002. Alright, they've suffered two disappointing tournaments in a row, but just how bad can they be with TH-14 up top? Join me to find out as they take on the Swiss.
Korea vs. Togo
This is another of those crap matches that sometimes sneak into the schedule. Togo is clearly the weakest of the African qualifiers and I've never given Korea much away from their fanatical fan base in Seoul. Again, though, you can think of this as a tasty appetizer - an "amuse" perhaps - before the main events today - France and then the boys from Brasil. Can't wait! And who knows, this may turn out to be a thriller like the Aussie - Japan game yesterday morning. Join me for the festivities today.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Baddiel and Skinner's Great WC Moments!

For those of you who don't know them, Baddiel and Skinner are a couple of British comedians who specialize in footie humor. Typically they do special shows during major tournaments, but this year they're doing podcasts for the Times of London. Here are some of the funnier comments from their show:
* Peter Crouch suffered more than the other England players as his head is closer to the sun.
* Ladbrokes have listed 40-1 odds on England winning the World Cup without an English player ever scoring.
* England players must think Peter Crouch is 20 feet tall given the height of their crosses.
And my favorite piece was a little ditty that they did to the tune of "Skip to My Lou:"
"Pick, pick, pick the Roo
Pick, pick, pick the Roo
Pick, pick, pick the Roo
Pick the Roo, my darling!"
Belt that one out in the shower on Thursday, won't you?
You can dial up their podcast on Itunes by searching for "Baddiel and Skinner."
Italy vs. Ghana
Next up - the Italians are coming. What kind of mood will they be in today, with the mounting match-fixing scandal. Some think this will prompt their stars, particularly those at Juve to put themselves in the shop window. I'll definitely have my eye on big striker Luca Toni, who scored an amazing 31 goals in Serie A this season. What about Ghana, with Michael Essien and Steven Appiah? Should be a delicious afternoon morsel.
USA vs. Czechs
This is the moment of truth for Bruce Arena's boys. They need a point out of this match to be realistic contenders for a spot in the next round, and - given what we've seen already with European sides struggling in, European heatwave - they may have a shot. If the Czechs try to sit on a draw or a slim lead, we may catch them out.
A lot of gamesmanship before this match, with Arena not releasing the names of his starting side and the Czechs listing more injuries than are probably real. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Smicer didn't jump off the gurney and run on the pitch in the second half.
Let's go Sammers, are you up for the Cup? Join me if you're out there.
Australia vs. Japan
Day Four of Deutschland '06 and we've got our first crap match coming up, Australia vs. Japan. Although I don't fancy either side, this is not without interest, so if you're skiving off work and aren't completed saturated with the footie yet, join me. Think of it as an appetizer for the main event coming up at noon.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Predictions Game Update

We're half way through the first round of games, with four groups having played their first matches, so it's a good time to update the standings in our Predictions Game. Here's where the five participants stand so far:
AZKicker - 14 points
United We Stand - 10 points
Gooner71 - 10 points
Trevor Brooking - 8 points
Gatorbob - 8 points
(This is based on counting one point for every correct prediction of the top two teams in each group, plus adding an additional point if they are in the correct order.)
I hope that Blubber Boy will join us. Just send me your predictions of the sixteen teams that will qualify for the Round of Sixteen, the eight quarterfinalists, four semifinalists, two finalists and champion, plus the Top Scorer/Golden Boot winner.
Also, sorry to nag, but United We Stand needs to send his predictions for the Quarters, Semis and Final plus the Champion, as the brackets were mixed up in Gooner's original choices. Thanks for playing, lads. I'll update this scores again after all thirty two teams play their first game on Wednesday.
Portugal vs. Angola
For our afternoon's entertainment we have the tantalizing spectacle of Portugal - with ManYoo's stepover prince Cristiano Ronaldo - against newcomer Angola. This is one of several former imperialist bastards vs. former colonials match-ups, so we'll see if that brings any sparks. Another element to watch - will any of the Angolans pick up the $5,000 bonus for scoring. I look forward to your comments.
Mexico vs. Iran
The lunch-time match today is a fascinating one from Group D - Mexico and Iran. This is the stuff that makes the World Cup the greatest tournament on earth. We all know the Mexican side with the exciting Jared Borghetti up front, but what about Iran? In '98 they humiliated the U.S. - what about the current side? Join me for a spot of light blogging, won't you?
Holland and S & M
Sounds like they're made for each other. America and Apple Pie, England and Yorkshire Pud, Holland and S & M. Wakey, wakey! It's the first match of the day. Get yer bondage kit on and join me.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Sign the ESPN Petition!

Now that we've witnessed the full reality of the travesty that is ABC/ESPN coverage of the world's greatest sporting event, I thought I'd post the address for a petition that the lads from World Soccer Daily initiated.
How do we hate the coverage? - let me count the ways:
1) No pre-game coverage whatsoever. Yesterday they started five minutes before Germany and Costa Rica kicked off, ignoring the entire opening ceremonies. Literally seconds before the England match kicked off this morning, they were still wading through the local police blotter and hurricane alerts. Before the Sweden match, they showed an inane kiddie cartoon right up until kick-off.
2) Half-time chat today with the Belmont Park racetrack in the background. It's bad enough to suffer through Lexi and Julie Foudy, but do they really have to stick the knife in as if to yell at us, "We're just humoring you soccer fags for the next month, but don't think that we aren't going to feature real American sports?"
3) Constant references to American sports from all of the commentators. My favorite example: during the Sweden match, a tussle between Olaf Mellberg and Stern John in the box was described by Dave O'Brien as "jockeying for position in the paint."
4) Shep Messing - the man is an utter disgrace. I had never really paid much attention to him before this afternoon's match. Nick and Steven have been mocking him for donkey's years, but I had no idea how accurate they were. Constant screaming for "The P.K.!" Obligatory references to "my time playing with Pele at the Cosmos." And any time an exciting moment passes he morphs into Dick Vitale's crazy cousin, bellowing "Oh baby, we've gotta game here!" Someone please strangle him in his sleep.
So, please, sign the petition. You'll find at:
England vs. Paraguay Live!

Here we go, here we go, here we go! This is the big one, lads. I'm up early, blasting the Three Lions, with a bucket of Vindaloo at my side. It's time for the England magic.
I'll be happy with 4-0 - how about the rest of you?
P.S. I'd definitely recommend downloading and using Firefox as your browser for the live blogging.
As you would expect...
BBC1 is reporting the usual suspects starting: Robbo, Neville, Rio, Terry, Cashley, Becks, Gerrard, Lamps, Joe Cole, Owen, and Crouch.
Hanson and Ian Wrong, Wrong, Wrong are still whinging on and on about the inclusion of Theo. Hanson because he's a moany sod. Ian might have another agenda, mind.
Interview with Acuna from Paraguay..."Have you ever seen anyone like Crouch?"
Acuna - "Sure, in the NBA!" Quality yucks there.
Santa Cruz and his gammy knee to start for Paraguay.
Freddie Flintoff is being interviewed by Ray Stubbs and he is pissed out of his mind. Slurring and staggaring and wearing shades because it's too bloody bright. And he's incomprehensible. Oh magic, he's just screamed "Go on England" into the camera and that's the end of that chat. Lineker muses, "Looks like the party's already started there" and everyone in the studio is pissing themselves laughing. Amazing. Flintoff would be hounded into the AA if he was a Yank.
Marco Antonio Rodriguez AKA Little Dracula

Not good news that FIFA has decided to go with this little psychopath to ref the first game. Described as an "unbending disciplinarian who loves dealing out cards to players." He's notorious for sending off three players in a Mexican play off title, guaranteeing victory to the team with 11 on the pitch in the end.
I'm confident that England has the quality, but it's a constant thing that FIFA deals out the scariest ref possible for us. If I were Sven and Tord, I'd call in Rio, Terry, Gerrard, the Coles, and Becks and spell it out to them. Rio and Terry and Gerrard, no lunging tackling, period. The Coles and Becks, zip it!
C'MON ENGLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!